Executive Committee
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 22.02.2024
Minutes of the Extraordinary Executive Committee - 16.10.2023
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 28.09.2023
Minutes of the Extraordinary Executive Committee - 10.04.2023
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 23.02.2023
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 28.09.2022
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 24.02.2022
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 29.09.2021
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 25.02.2021
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting - 02.10.2020
Minutes from the Extraordinary Executive Committee Meeting - 16.06.2020
Minutes from the Extraordinary Executive Committee Meeting - 27.05.2020
Minutes from the Meeting of the Executive Committee - 21.02.2020
Minutes from the Meeting of the Executive Committee 27 September 2019
Minutes from the Meeting of the Executive Committee 14-15.03.2019
Meeting Minutes from the meeting of the Executive Committee, 19.11.2018