- Recommendation related to Small Scale fishery challenges and data collection, recreational fishery registration regimes. Mitigation of IUU in the Black Sea
- Recommendation related to marine aquaculture needs and challenges in the Black Sea
- Recommendation related to Fishing sector involvement in ghost gear mitigation to reduce bycatch
- Recommendation related to the efficiency and impact of the state aid, needs and challenges of the fishery sector in the Black Sea
- Recommendation related to the fleet modernisation, decarbonisation and sustainability of fisheries in the Black Sea
- Joint Inter AC letter Stakeholder input
- Letter 050 - Recommendation related to the energy transition challenges and the decarbonisation of fisheries in the Black Sea
- Letter 035 - Recommendation related to the challenges in research and innovation in the Black Sea
- Letter 034 - Recommendation related to the Communication from the Commission “Sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2024” COM (2023) 303
- Letter 033 - Recommendation related to the interaction between fishery and the future wind farms in the Black Sea
- Letter 032 - Recommendation related to the Impact of the pandemic and war on the fishery and marine aquaculture in the Black Sea
- Letter 022 - Recommendation on new invasive species in the Black Sea
- Letter 020 - Recommendation recreational fishery
- Letter 018 - Inclusion of the Republic of Bulgaria as a program partner of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership
- Letter 013 - Recommendation for digitization in fisheries
- Letter 012 - Recommendation on certification in fisheries
- Joint AC letter to DG MARE - All Advisory Councils promotion
- Letter 052 - Recommendation Maritime Spatial Planning in the Black Sea
- Letter 048 - Recommendation regarding the development of aquaculture in the Black Sea
- Letter 036 - Recommendation for financial compensation for the fisheries sector
- Joint-AC letter on contributions from Advisory Councils in Commission public consultations
- Letter 029 - Recommendation Mullus Barbatus
- Letter 024 - Recommendation Fishing Gear
- Letter 022 - Recommendation Offshore Wind Farms
- Letter 05 - Recommendation Turbot Quota
- Letter 058 - Recommendation Marine Litter
- Letter 056 - Recommendation Socioeconomic Development of the Fishing Sector
- Letter 053 - Recommendation Protected Areas
- Letter 051 - Recommendation marine aquaculture
- Letter 031 - Recommendation Turbot
- Letter 029 - Recommendation Recreational Fishing
- Letter 004 to DG MARE - Questionnaire Technical Measures Regulation - BlSAC answers
- Multi-AC advice on the "Maritime sector - a green post-COVID future"
- Letter 059 - Recommendation to the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development concerning their order No. 211/28.07.2020
- Letter 056 - Recommendation for Water Classification in Bulgaria
- Letter to EAFA BG Director on support to BlSAC
- Letter to NAFA RO Director on support to BlSAC
- Letter 053 - DG Mare Reply to Recommendation Rapana Venosa
- DGMARE reply to multi Acs advice for implementation of SUP Directive
- Multi-AC advice implementation of SUP Directive
- Letter 051 - Recommendation Rapana Venosa
- Letter 047 - Data EAFA - Cathes Rapana, Tourbot and Picked Dogfish
- Letter 037 - Answer MOEW Our N 032 - Joint Recommendation
- Letter 035 - Refusal Financial Help from MAFF
- Letter 034 - ANPA answer our 032 - Joint Recommendation
- Letter 033 - from MAFF - Creating Focus Groups
- Letter 032 to MOEW, MAFF - joint recommendation
- Letter 031 - MZHG answer our Recommendation from WG 1
- Letter 029 - to all ACs - by DG MARE
- Letter 027 - Recommendation - Early Reproduction of Species in the Black Sea
- Letter 023 from DG - Support by EU Member States - Bulgaria
- Letter 022 From DG - Support by EU Member States - Romania
- Letter 011 DG MARE Response to BlSAC Letter Regarding the Auxiliary Boats in Romania
- Letter 075 - Auxiliary fishing vessels in Romania
- Letter 073 -DG MARE's response to the IUU fishing recommendation
- Letter 072 - The place of small-scale fisheries in BlSAC
- Letter 062 - Recommendation IUU fishing
- Letter 058 - DG MARE's Response to Recommendation Turbot
- Letter 056 - ANSVSA Romania Response to BlSAC Recommendation for Water Classification
- Letter 054 - Recommendation Water
- Letter 053 - Recommendation Turbot
- Letter 039 - Reccomendation to National Parliament of Bulgaria
- Letter 038 - DG MARE's Response to Reccomendation for Marine Litter
- Letter 035 - DG MARE's Response to Reccomendation SSF
- Letter 034 - POPAM Romania Response to BlSAC Recommendation for Marine Litter
- Letter 026 - to DGMARE of Recommendation Marine Litter
- Letter 016 - Recommendations SSF
- 009 - 19.01.2018 to EAFA
- 011 - 02.02.2018 Request for advice
- 021 - 14.05.2018 to MZHG
- 031 - 12.07.2018 EAFA
- 032 - 12.07.2018 BG Tourist Chamber
- 033 - 12.07.2018 - Burgas Municipality
- 034 - 12.07.2018 Pomorie municipality
- 035 - 12.07.2018 Sozopol Municipality
- 036 - 12.07.2018 Tzarevo Municipality
- 037 - 12.07.2018 Fish resources EOOD